Transport, Energy
and Major Projects

Our Skills | Transport, Energy and Major Projects

Transport, Energy and Major Projects

Our team supports clients through the entire lifecycle of major projects.

We bring lived experience taking Australia’s largest projects from concept origination through to the business case, procurement, and delivery stages. 

Key Skills

Project Origination and Feasibility

Our team has worked with clients to originate and assess the feasibility of projects at their inception. We support infrastructure funds, asset and landowners, developers and government agencies to assess options, formulate and consolidate a concept, determine its strategic merit, understand the technical and financial feasibility of the project and plan the appropriate mechanisms to bring the asset to market. 


Business Case Development

Our team has deep experience supporting clients with the development of business cases across regulated assets, heavy transport infrastructure, precinct real estate projects and wider logistics and freight projects. We provide overall project management of the business case process along with a range of technical services including economic and financial appraisals.

Economic and Financial Appraisal

Our team has deep experience developing financial and economic appraisals of projects and transactions. We work with clients to understand the immediate financial implications of their project or transaction. Additionally, we support clients to understand the broader economic and community outcomes associated with a project or transaction. 

Project Risk and Delivery Review

Our team provides debt and equity investors with an independent assessment of the risks associated with a project, its alignment to delivery timelines and requirements and an overall independent assessment of a project’s feasibility.

Procurement Support and Evaluation

Our team has procured major infrastructure from strategy through to transaction and delivery support. We provide the key strategic services required to procure complex infrastructure – developing the strategy, testing it with the market, executing the transaction and negotiating the contract.

Financial & Commercial Strategy

Our team have provided financial modelling and advice to a large range of clients. This has ranged from contract revenue modelling, corporate and project finance appraisals of projects. We have significant expertise in taking the elements of your project or proposal and developing an assessment of its financial sustainability or its investment return.

Asset Optimisation

Our team have worked with and advised on the management and application of a range of Concession Deed arrangements for PPP entities through the design, build, finance and operations phases of projects. We deeply understand the levels available to project sponsors and government to achieve optimised outcomes under concession arrangements. In relation to brownfield transactions, we can provide strategic review and advice on how to optimise the assets and investment.

Market Led Proposals

Our team have worked with clients to developed proposals or business cases and supported their engagement with government in all east coast states.